4.4 Utility from other resources to humans and utility per capita of plants to humans (\(U_{bH_{1}}\) x \(U_{bH_{n}}\) x \(\bar{U}_{P_{1}H}\) x \(\bar{U}_{P_{n}H}\))

All four parameters affect directly the carrying capacity for humans.

Table 4.4: Parameter setting
parameter value
initial_population_humans 10
initial_population_plants 10
number_types_humans 30
number_types_plants 30
undirected_variation_humans 0.15
undirected_variation_plants 0.15
intrinsic_growth_rate_humans 0.04
intrinsic_growth_rate_plants 0.1
utility_per_capita_type_n_plants_to_humans 0 - 3 (sample = 5 )
utility_per_capita_type_n_humans_to_plants 1
utility_per_capita_type_1_plants_to_humans 0 - 3 (sample = 5 )
utility_per_capita_type_1_humans_to_plants 0
utility_other_to_type_n_humans 5 - 300 (sample = 5 )
utility_other_to_type_n_plants 20
utility_other_to_type_1_humans 5 - 300 (sample = 5 )
utility_other_to_type_1_plants 100
max_area 200
max_iterations 5000
reltol_exponential 6
coevolution_threshold 0.5
humans 5.00002240303587 - 899.99997719765 (sample = 625 )
plants 94.1200898799022 - 200 (sample = 271 )
coevolution_coefficient_humans -0.717941202547936 - 0.706520099888421 (sample = 625 )
coevolution_coefficient_plants -0.716798037205644 - 0.697896212142682 (sample = 625 )
dependency_coefficient_humans -1 - 0.983471074380165 (sample = 602 )
dependency_coefficient_plants -0.991746501733027 - 0.925626655652406 (sample = 625 )
timing_humans 0 - 384 (sample = 135 )
timing_plants 0 - 2535 (sample = 100 )
time_end 256 - 2965 (sample = 270 )
adaptativeCost.H 0
adaptativeCost.P 0