3.2 Exploration on ‘default’ setting for parameter pairs

3.2.1 Number of types of humans and plants (\(n_{H}\) x \(n_{P}\))

3.2.2 Undirected variation in humans and plants (\(v_{H}\) x \(v_{P}\))

3.2.3 Utility per capita from type 1 humans and plants (\(\bar{U}_{H_{1}P}\) x \(\bar{U}_{P_{1}H}\))

3.2.4 Utility per capita from type n humans and plants (\(\bar{U}_{H_{n}P}\) x \(\bar{U}_{P_{n}H}\))

3.2.5 Utility per capita from humans to plants (\(\bar{U}_{H_{1}P}\) x \(\bar{U}_{H_{n}P}\))

3.2.6 Utility per capita from plants to humans (\(\bar{U}_{P_{1}H}\) x \(\bar{U}_{P_{n}H}\))

3.2.7 Utility of other resources to type 1 humans and plants (\(U_{bH_{1}}\) x \(U_{bP_{1}}\))

3.2.8 Utility of other resources to type n humans and plants (\(U_{bH_{n}}\) x \(U_{bP_{n}}\))

3.2.9 Utility of other resources to humans (\(U_{bH_{1}}\) x \(U_{bH_{n}}\))

3.2.10 Utility of other resources to plants (\(U_{bP_{1}}\) x \(U_{bP_{n}}\))

3.2.11 Utility of other resources to type 1 humans and utility per capita of type 1 humans to plants (\(U_{bH_{1}}\) x \(\bar{U}_{H_{1}P}\))

3.2.12 Utility of other resources to type 1 plants and utility per capita of type 1 plants to humans (\(U_{bP_{1}}\) x \(\bar{U}_{P_{1}H}\))

3.2.13 Utility of other resources to type n humans and utility per capita of type n humans to plants (\(U_{bH_{n}}\) x \(\bar{U}_{H_{n}P}\))

3.2.14 Utility of other resources to type n plants and utility per capita of type n plants to humans (\(U_{bP_{n}}\) x \(\bar{U}_{P_{n}H}\))