4.1 Number of types and undirected variation of humans and plants (\(n_{H}\) x \(n_{P}\) x \(v_{H}\) x \(v_{P}\))

Table 4.1: Parameter setting
parameter value
initial_population_humans 10
initial_population_plants 10
number_types_humans 5 - 45 (sample = 5 )
number_types_plants 5 - 45 (sample = 5 )
undirected_variation_humans 0.05 - 0.25 (sample = 5 )
undirected_variation_plants 0.05 - 0.25 (sample = 5 )
intrinsic_growth_rate_humans 0.04
intrinsic_growth_rate_plants 0.1
utility_per_capita_type_n_plants_to_humans 1.5
utility_per_capita_type_n_humans_to_plants 1
utility_per_capita_type_1_plants_to_humans 0.15
utility_per_capita_type_1_humans_to_plants 0
utility_other_to_type_n_humans 10
utility_other_to_type_n_plants 20
utility_other_to_type_1_humans 80
utility_other_to_type_1_plants 100
max_area 200
max_iterations 5000
reltol_exponential 6
coevolution_threshold 0.5
humans 85.1414283817248 - 303.920561546526 (sample = 625 )
plants 93.5982997036815 - 200 (sample = 372 )
coevolution_coefficient_humans -0.893138319410505 - 0.796970470817761 (sample = 625 )
coevolution_coefficient_plants -0.918044258212089 - 0.784003454561172 (sample = 625 )
dependency_coefficient_humans -0.632605349151667 - 0.897316999088837 (sample = 625 )
dependency_coefficient_plants -0.943727131580906 - 0.820755925015822 (sample = 625 )
timing_humans 0 - 1117 (sample = 131 )
timing_plants 0 - 1074 (sample = 84 )
time_end 427 - 3284 (sample = 240 )
adaptativeCost.H 0
adaptativeCost.P 0

- Higher values of all four parameters facilitate coevolution. Undirected variation has a stronger effect than number of types. - As a summary of possible end-states:
+ ‘Fast’ coevolution (red square in blue tile, small t): most cases when the numbers of types (\(n_{H}\), \(n_{P}\)) are greater than 15 and values of undirected variation (\(v_{H}\), \(v_{P}\)) higher than 0.15.
+ ‘Semi-domestication’ without cultivation (redish square in whitish tile): cases when \(v_{P}\geq 0.15\) and \(v_{H}\leq 0.15\).
+ ‘Semi-cultivation’ without domestication (whitish square in blue tile): cases when \(v_{H}\geq 0.15\) and \(v_{P}\leq 0.15\).