4.6 Utility from other resources and utility per capita of type 1 humans and plants (\(U_{bP_{1}}\) x \(U_{bH_{1}}\) x \(\bar{U}_{H_{1}P}\) x \(\bar{U}_{P_{1}H}\))

This exploration reflects the state at the start of simulations (both populations are mostly of type 1).

Table 4.6: Parameter setting
parameter value
initial_population_humans 10
initial_population_plants 10
number_types_humans 30
number_types_plants 30
undirected_variation_humans 0.15
undirected_variation_plants 0.15
intrinsic_growth_rate_humans 0.04
intrinsic_growth_rate_plants 0.1
utility_per_capita_type_n_plants_to_humans 1.5
utility_per_capita_type_n_humans_to_plants 1
utility_per_capita_type_1_plants_to_humans 0 - 3 (sample = 5 )
utility_per_capita_type_1_humans_to_plants 0 - 3 (sample = 5 )
utility_other_to_type_n_humans 10
utility_other_to_type_n_plants 20
utility_other_to_type_1_humans 5 - 300 (sample = 5 )
utility_other_to_type_1_plants 5 - 300 (sample = 5 )
max_area 200
max_iterations 5000
reltol_exponential 6
coevolution_threshold 0.5
humans 6.65445468351648 - 373.829001349403 (sample = 580 )
plants 7.25341088271487 - 200 (sample = 22 )
coevolution_coefficient_humans -0.689067710065305 - 0.700801110595132 (sample = 580 )
coevolution_coefficient_plants -0.700948542920777 - 0.6969339607777 (sample = 625 )
dependency_coefficient_humans -0.82470273295647 - 0.944381662989186 (sample = 580 )
dependency_coefficient_plants -0.889305217158245 - 0.919567244926042 (sample = 625 )
timing_humans 0 - 674 (sample = 127 )
timing_plants 0 - 4012 (sample = 149 )
time_end 326 - 4456 (sample = 235 )
adaptativeCost.H 0
adaptativeCost.P 0