6.4 Biplots

The details on how to create biplots is already explained in protocol 1. As protocol 3, protocol 4 only generates one kind of projection (RRD, PCoA).

6.4.1 Biplot 2D

arrows_label_adj <- rbind(c(.5,1),c(0,0),c(1,.5),c(0,1),c(1,0),
row.names(arrows_label_adj) <- c("CaO","S4","S7","S8","Ce",

                      ordination_method = "PCoA",
                      invert_coordinates = c (TRUE,FALSE),
                      ylim = c(-.35,.32),
                      point_type = "point",
                      groups = factor_list$ProvGroup,
                      group_color = color_list$ProvGroup,
                      group_label_cex = 0.6,
                      arrow_mim_dist = .5,
                      arrow_label_cex = 0.6,
                      arrow_fig = c(.6,.95,0,.35),
                      arrow_label_adj_override = arrows_label_adj,
                      subtitle = prot4_2d$sub2D,
                      test_text = prot4_tests$text(prot4_tests),
                      test_cex = 0.8,
                      test_fig = c(0, 0.5, 0.62, .99),
                      fitAnalysis_fig = c(0,.7,.05,.5),
                      output_type = "preview")
protocol 4

Figure 6.1: protocol 4

6.4.2 Biplot 3D

                      ordination_method = "PCoA",
                      point_type = "point",
                      groups = factor_list$FabricGroup,
                      group_color = color_list$FabricGroup,
                      group_representation = "stars",
                      star_centroid_radius = 0,
                      star_label_cex = .8,
                      arrow_min_dist = .5,
                      arrow_body_length = .025,
                      subtitle = prot4_3d$sub3D,
                      test_text = prot4_tests$text(prot4_tests),
                      test_cex = 1.25,
                      test_fig = c(0, 0.5, 0.65, .99),
                      view_zoom = 0.9)

biplot2d3d::animation(directory = directories$prot4,
                       file_name = "Prot4_Biplot3D")
