4.1 Ordination procedure
Depending on which type of distance calculation (RRD/NI), protocol 2 performs different ordination methods (PCoA/NMDS). Both PCoA and NMDS require specifying the number of dimensions in which to project the data. Therefore, you must generate specific 2D and 3D ordination objects:
prot2a_2d <- apply_ordination(cleanAmphorae[!isShipwreck,],
"2a", # select protocol 2a (RRD & PCoA)
exception_columns = excep_cols,
variable_tags = varCode)
prot2b_2d <- apply_ordination(cleanAmphorae[!isShipwreck,],
"2b", # select protocol 2a (NI & NMDS)
exception_columns = excep_cols,
variable_tags = varCode)
prot2a_3d <- apply_ordination(cleanAmphorae[!isShipwreck,],
"2a", # select protocol 2a (RRD & PCoA)
exception_columns = excep_cols,
variable_tags = varCode,
dimensions = 3)
prot2b_3d <- apply_ordination(cleanAmphorae[!isShipwreck,],
"2b", # select protocol 2a (NI & NMDS)
exception_columns = excep_cols,
variable_tags = varCode,
dimensions = 3)
The ordination objects generated with protocol 2 are different from those in protocol 1 since it uses different functions. However, the main components are still the same: the projection of observations or scores (points) and of variables or loadings.
#> [1] "list"
#> [1] "points" "eig" "x" "ac"
#> [5] "GOF" "sub2D" "GOF2_2D" "loadings"
#> [9] "variable_tags" "name" "dist_matrix"
#> [1] "metaMDS" "monoMDS"
#> [1] "nobj" "nfix" "ndim" "ndis"
#> [5] "ngrp" "diss" "iidx" "jidx"
#> [9] "xinit" "istart" "isform" "ities"
#> [13] "iregn" "iscal" "maxits" "sratmx"
#> [17] "strmin" "sfgrmn" "dist" "dhat"
#> [21] "points" "stress" "grstress" "iters"
#> [25] "icause" "call" "model" "distmethod"
#> [29] "distcall" "distance" "converged" "tries"
#> [33] "engine" "species" "data" "init_seed"
#> [37] "trymax" "sub_stress" "sub2D" "GOF2_2D"
#> [41] "loadings" "variable_tags" "name" "dist_matrix"