2.1 Set directories for saving data
Set a list containing directories for easiness of reference:
directories <- list(
# where you raw data is
data = "data",
# where to save transformed compositional data (CoDa)
transCoDa = "transformed_CoDa",
# where to save files concerning protocol workflow
prot1 = "Protocol_1_geochemical_data",
prot2 = "Protocol_2_petrographic_data",
prot3 = "Protocol_3_geochemical_and_petrographic_data",
prot4 = "Protocol_4_provenance_data",
prot4_Shipwreck = "Protocols_4_provenance_data_with_shipwrecks"
Create the respective folders in the current R session working directory, if they do not exist:
lapply(directories, dir.create, showWarnings = FALSE)