3  Introduction to R

3.1 Preparation

Before learning more about R, make sure that everything is set up properly and that you understand the basics in RStudio GUI.

To ensure that both R and RStudio have been installed correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Launch RStudio by searching for it in your applications menu.
  2. When it opens, you should see an interface with multiple panels, including the Console in the left or bottom left panel.
  3. In the RStudio Console, you should see details about the R version currently running, which confirms that both R and RStudio are correctly installed and linked. You can always re-print this information by typing the command version.

If any of these steps fail, consider reinstalling R and RStudio, ensuring they are compatible with your operating system.

3.1.1 RStudio interface (GUI)

The RStudio interface, or Graphical User Interface (GUI), is designed to help you work efficiently with R. By default, it consists of four main panes or panels, each potentially containing multiple tabs:

  1. Console/Terminal/Background Jobs: This is where you can type and run R commands directly. It displays output from your code and any error messages.
  2. Environment/History/Connections/Build/Git: In the top-right, the Environment tab shows all active variables and data loaded into your session, while the History tab keeps a log of previously executed commands.
  3. Files/Plots/Packages/Help/…: The bottom-right panel has several tabs for navigating your files, viewing plots and other graphical outputs, managing installed packages, and accessing R documentation.
  4. Source or Script Editor: Located in the top-left, here is where you can write, edit, and save R scripts. You can run selected code from this editor directly in the Console. This panel will be absent whenever there are no script files open in RStudio.

RStudio GUI default structure; from RStudio User Guide - RStudio IDE User Guide (2024)

Many of the various elements of RStudio GUI are self-explanatory or further explained by pop-up texts and windows. Still, beginners and occasional users can be assured that most elements can be ignored.

3.1.2 Global Settings

To customize RStudio, go to Tools > Global Options (or RStudio > Preferences on macOS). Here, you can adjust various settings, including:

  • General: Setting the directory path where R has been installed (normally assigned automatically), your default working directory and specify start-up options.
  • Code: Configuring code formatting, autocompletion, and syntax highlighting settings.
  • Appearance: Change the editor theme, font size, and other visual preferences.
  • Pane Layout: Changing the default pane structure (not recommended).

3.1.3 RStudio Projects

RStudio Projects help organize your work by keeping all related files, scripts, data, and outputs in one place. Each project has its own working directory, which helps to manage dependencies and to maintain reproducibility. Projects are especially useful for keeping different analyses or projects separate from one another.

To create a new project in RStudio, follow these steps:

  1. Go to File > New Project.
  2. You’ll see three options:
    • New Directory: Create a project from scratch within a new folder. This is useful when starting a completely new analysis or project.
    • Existing Directory: Convert an existing folder into an RStudio project. Ideal for organizing already-existing files and scripts into a RStudio project.
    • Version Control: Clone a project from GitHub, GitLab, or other version control systems. This option is helpful when working with collaborative projects or version-tracked repositories.
  3. Select the appropriate option based on your needs. For example, if you choose New Directory, you can then select New Project, enter a project name, and specify the location to save it. Alternatively, if you are working with a GitHub repository, you could select Version Control to clone it directly into RStudio, creating a fully synchronized project environment.
  4. Click Create Project. RStudio will open a new R session within the project’s directory.

3.1.4 R Scripts and Rmarkdown notebooks

In RStudio, both R scripts and Rmarkdown notebooks (or rendered notebooks) are used to write and execute R code, but they serve different purposes and have distinct features:

Scripts (.R files)

  • Plain Text Format: Scripts are simple text files where you can write and save R code (.R file extension). They are best suited for running sequential code and writing reusable functions.
  • Execution: You can run code line-by-line or in chunks directly in the Console. Scripts are ideal for production workflows or larger projects where maintaining clear, reproducible code is a priority.
  • Comments: You can add comments for documentation, but scripts do not natively support rich formatting like Markdown.

Example of a small R script, “print_mean_value.R”, followed by its output once executed:

# Calculate the mean of a numeric vector
numbers <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
mean_value <- mean(numbers)
[1] 3

In this script, we define a vector, calculate its mean, and print the result. The focus is on the code itself, without additional formatting or documentation.

Rmarkdown documents (.Rmd/.qmd files)

  • Rich Content: RStudio allows you to create and use special files, named RMarkdown (.Rmd file extension), that combine formatted text in Markdown (e.g. headings, images, and links) and executable pieces of code or code “chunks”. When added to a Rmarkdown, the code inside a chunk can be executed on-demand by clicking on the play button on its top right corner.

  • Interactive Execution: Rmarkdown supports interactive, cell-based execution, similar to Jupyter notebooks. Each code cell outputs results directly below it by default, which is useful for exploratory data analysis and iterative workflows.

  • Output Options: Notebooks can be rendered into various formats, such as HTML, PDF, or Word, allowing you to create polished, shareable reports directly from your analysis. It is possible to have code being run and rendered with output directly into a HTML file by choosing html_notebook, a type of output that approaches the one of Jupyter notebooks.

Example of a small RMarkdown document, “mean_value_analysis.Rmd”:

## Calculate the Mean of a Vector

In this analysis, we calculate the mean of a simple numeric vector.

# Define the numeric vector
numbers <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

# Calculate the mean
mean_value <- mean(numbers)

The mean of the vector is `r mean_value`.

In this document, Markdown is used to add a heading and text explanation, while the code chunk calculates and displays the mean. The output is shown directly below the code, creating an interactive, document-like format. Notice we can also use ` r object_name ` to print inside a markdown line the value of an R object, in this case a single number.

How it would look in RStudio:

RMarkdown example in RStudio

And this is how it would be rendered in HTML:

Calculate the Mean of a Vector

In this analysis, we calculate the mean of a simple numeric vector.

# Define the numeric vector
numbers <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

# Calculate the mean
mean_value <- mean(numbers)
[1] 3

The mean of the vector is 3.

Although not necessary by default, R Markdown files can contain YAML headers, which define the metadata for the document. Located at the top of the file, the YAML header specifies key information and rendering options, such as title, author, date, output format (e.g., HTML, PDF), and document theme. This header controls how the document is processed and rendered, allowing customization without altering the main content.

For example:

title: "Analysis Report"
author: "Data Scientist"
date: "2024-12-28"
output: html_document

This YAML block will render the document as an HTML report with a dynamic date and specified author and title.

You can learn more about Rmarkdown at the Get Started tutorial offered by its developers.

In summary, scripts are optimal for code-centric work with minimal formatting, while Rmarkdown documents offer a flexible, document-like interface ideal for combining narrative and code in a single file.

  • G. Grolemund J. J. Allaire (n.d.)
  • “R Markdown (n.d.)
  • “Introduction” (n.d.)
  • “R Markdown Reporting Best Practices (n.d.)
  • H. W. and G. Grolemund (n.d.)
  • Melfi (n.d.)
  • “Rmarkdown :: Cheatsheet (n.d.)
  • Smith (n.d.)
  • Riederer (n.d.)
  • Liang (2024)

3.1.5 Creating or editing other files

In addition to R scripts (.R) and RMarkdown notebooks (.Rmd), RStudio supports creating and editing various other file types, making it a versatile environment for different types of content and workflows. To create a new file, go to File > New File and select the desired file type.

Some examples of files you can create and edit in RStudio include:

  • Plain Text files (.txt): Useful for notes, raw data, or configuration files.
  • HTML files (.html): For creating and editing web pages, especially useful for generating custom reports.
  • Python scripts (.py): RStudio supports Python, allowing you to write and execute Python code within the same environment if Python is installed on your computer.
  • SQL files (.sql): You can write and run SQL queries directly in RStudio when working with databases.

To create a file with an extension not listed in RStudio, simply create a plain text file (e.g., “newFile.txt”), modify its name and add the desired extension (e.g., “newFile.json”, “newFile.css”, etc.). This flexibility allows you to manage all parts of your project, from data processing to documentation, within RStudio.

For more information about RStudio, consult:

  • RStudio User Guide - RStudio IDE User Guide (2024)
  • RStudio IDE :: Cheatsheet (n.d.)

3.2 R syntax and workflow

3.2.1 Variables and data types

In R, variables or vectors are created by assigning values using the <- operator. A variable in R corresponds to values of a specific data type, including:

  • Numeric: Numbers, e.g., x <- 10.5
  • Integer: Whole numbers, declared with L, e.g., y <- 3L
  • Character: Text, surrounded by quotes, e.g., name <- "Alice"
  • Logical: Boolean values, TRUE or FALSE, e.g., is_true <- TRUE
  • Factor: Categorical data, useful for storing distinct categories, and keeping both category names and indexed numeric value (see Data structures bellow).

Variables store data for manipulation and analysis, forming the building blocks of R programming. Variables and data structures (see bellow) can be all referred as “R objects”, and once created, they will appear listed in the Environment tab in the Environments panel (top right).

3.2.2 Data structures

Data structures are more complex objects that are also created using the <- operator.

  • Vectors (i.e. variables): The most basic data structure, a vector is a sequence of data elements of the same type (numeric, character, or logical). Created with c(), e.g., c(1, 2, 3) or c("a", "b", "c").

  • Matrices: Two-dimensional, homogeneous data structures (all elements are of the same type). Created using matrix(), e.g., matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3).

  • Factor: A factor is a special case in-between a vector and a matrix, designed to facilitate operations with categorical variables. While a factor will often seem equivalent to a Character vector (e.g., c("Yes", "No", "Yes")), it will be treated as a two column matrix where character values are mapped to a numeric index, assigned arbitrarily. In this nx2 matrix, where n is the number of rows or elements in each column, each row is referred as “level”. To create a factor, we must use the primitive function factor() and give it a Character vector: e.g., factor(c("Yes", "No", "Yes")).

  • Data Frames: Tabular data structures where each column can contain different data types (numeric, character, factor, etc.). Both columns and rows can be named. Data frames are created with data.frame(): e.g., data.frame(x = 1:3, y = c("a", "b", "c")).

  • Lists: Collections of elements that can contain different types of data structures, such as vectors, data frames, or even other lists. All list elements can be assigned a specific name. To create a list, use list(): e.g., list(a = 1, b = "text", c = TRUE, d = c(1, 2, 3)).

Each of these data structures supports a range of operations for data manipulation and can be essential in R for organizing and analysing data effectively.

3.2.3 Arithmetic operations, logical operations in R.

R supports a range of arithmetic and logical operations:

  • Arithmetic Operations: Perform basic mathematical operations on numbers (type Numeric).
    • Addition: e.g., 5 + 3
    • Subtraction: e.g., 5 - 3
    • Multiplication: e.g., 5 * 3
    • Division: e.g., 5 / 3
    • Exponentiation: 5 ^ 3
    • Modulus: 5 %% 3 (remainder)
  • Logical Operations: Compare values (any type), returning Boolean values (type Logical TRUE or FALSE).
    • Equal to: e.g., 5 == 3
    • Not equal to: e.g., 5 != 3
    • Greater than: e.g., 5 > 3
    • Less than: e.g., 5 < 3
    • Logical AND: e.g., TRUE & FALSE
    • Logical OR: e.g., TRUE | FALSE

3.2.4 Algorithm declaration

An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions used to solve a problem or perform a task, enabling computers to process data efficiently. Algorithms are normally fixed as re-usable code in the form of functions (or methods, depending on the programming language). These might take (or require) certain input variables, named “arguments” or “parameters”, and return certain output variables.

In R, a function can be declared (i.e., created for later use) by using the keyword funtion(), which is in itself a function already declared in R by default (i.e., a “primitive” function).

add_numbers <- function(a, b) {
  return(a + b)

A function declaration will then prescribe the input variables taken as variable names placed inside a parenthesis and separated by commas (e.g., funtion(a, b)) and use the same names inside the function’s code, enclosed by curly brackets (e.g., { return(a + b) }). A function can perform a series of operations, some of which can have external consequences, such as printing console messages or creating or modifying files. In R, a function’s output, if anything, is always a single R object, enclosed as an argument of another primitive function, return() (e.g., return(a + b)). Any R objects created or modified inside a function’s code, but not included in the output, will be erased afterwards.

Once declared, a function will be available or “loaded in the R session” for further use, using whatever values we assign to its input variables. For example, when a = 3 and b = 5, add_numbers() will return:

result <- add_numbers(3, 5)
[1] 8

3.2.5 Control flow structures

In programming, algorithms are executed through structured pathways known as control flow structures, determining the order in which instructions are carried out. Control flow structures include sequence (executing statements in order), selection (using conditions like “if” statements), and iteration (looping through repeated instructions). These structures direct the program’s execution path, ensuring it meets the logical requirements of the algorithm and reaches a solution effectively (“Control Flow” 2024; “Control Structures in Programming Languages 2020).

R provides basic control flow structures for implementing algorithms:

  • if and else: Execute code based on a condition.
x <- 10
if (x > 5) {
  print("x is greater than 5")
} else {
  print("x is not greater than 5")
[1] "x is greater than 5"
  • for loop: Repeat code over the elements of a vector.
x <- c("First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth")
# iterate over numeric index, created on the fly
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
[1] "First"
[1] "Second"
[1] "Third"
[1] "Fourth"
[1] "Fifth"
# iterate over the values of x directly
for (value in x) {
[1] "First"
[1] "Second"
[1] "Third"
[1] "Fourth"
[1] "Fifth"
  • while loop: Repeat code while a condition is true.
count <- 1
while (count <= 5) {
  count <- count + 1
[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
Getting help

While learning R and its extensive vocabulary, it is useful to know where to get help. Beyond searching for specific questions online (always a good option), it can be clarifying enough to read the relevant fragment of R documentation.

There are mainly two ways of accessing R documentation:

  • Console command: In the R console, type ? followed by the name of a function (e.g., ?factor) or a canonical dataset (e.g., ?iris, see Importing data).

  • RStudio Help tab: Go the Help tab in the Output area of RStudio’s interface (bottom left), and using the search field (top right in Help), type the name of a function or canonical dataset.

The R documentation entry for a function explains briefly:

  • what it does (“Description”)
  • what arguments it takes (“Arguments”)
  • what values it outputs (“Value”)
  • additional information about its behaviour (“Details”, etc.)
  • related bibliographic references (“References”)
  • use examples in code (“Examples”)

Notice that sometimes one documentation entry might be related to an entire group of functions. For example, the entry on factor() also refers to as.factor() and is.factor(), among others.

Warning: R will only find documentation of those functions and datasets currently loaded in the session environment. Whenever the consultation involves a package (see below), make sure that it has been installed and loaded.

3.2.6 Writing and executing R scripts

To create and run an R script:

  1. Go to File > New File > R Script in RStudio.

  2. Write your code in the editor. For example:

# Simple R Script
x <- 5
y <- 10
sum <- x + y
[1] 15
  1. Highlight the code and press Ctrl + Enter (Windows) or Cmd + Enter (Mac) to execute it in the Console.

3.2.7 Using packages

Packages in R are collections of functions, data, and documentation that extend R’s capabilities. They allow you to perform specialized tasks without having to write code from scratch. To use a package, you need to first install it and then load it into your R session.

Installing and loading packages

To install a package, use the install.packages() function. For example, to install the ggplot2 package:


Alternatively, you may use the GUI Wizard in Tools > Install Packages…, where an autocomplete feature will help selecting packages exact names.

Once installed, load the package with the library() function:


Now you can access the functions within ggplot2 and any other loaded package. You only need to install a package once, but you must load it in each new session.

Package collection: tidyverse

The tidyverse is a collection of R packages designed for data science, making data manipulation, visualization, and analysis easier and more intuitive (Wickham et al. 2019; “Tidyverse” n.d.). It includes:

  • ggplot2: For creating data visualizations using a layered approach.
  • dplyr: For data manipulation, including filtering, summarizing, and arranging data.
  • tidyr: For reshaping and tidying data.
  • readr: For reading data files into R quickly.
  • purrr: For functional programming, allowing you to work with lists and vectors more effectively.
  • tibble: A modern version of data frames with enhanced printing and subsetting.

The installation and use of the entire tidyverse works as a single package:


The tidyverse packages considerably change the way of working with R. Indeed, tidyverse code is now often used for introducing data science in R, since it is much easier to read and learn for beginners. However, it brings with it dependencies (i.e. other packages) and sometimes hide certain potentials that can only be explored with base R. In this course, we try to keep a balanced perspective by offering a glimpse of more than one R code solutions.

Package collection: tesselle

The tesselle collection is a suite of R packages specifically designed for teaching archaeological data analysis and modelling. These packages provide tools for handling and analysing spatial and temporal patterns in archaeological datasets, making it easier to derive insights from complex data, particularly count data, compositional data and chronological data (Frerebeau 2023; “Tesselle: R Packages & Archaeology n.d.).

Install the complete suite with:


We will look into more details about this collection in Chapter 7 and Chapter 6.

3.3 Data Manipulation

3.3.1 Importing data

Reading CSV Files

To read data from a CSV file, use the read.csv() or read_csv() function from the readr package. The read.csv() function is part of base R and handles typical CSV formats, while read_csv() is optimized for speed and flexibility in handling larger files.

# Base R
data <- read.csv("path/to/file.csv")

# Using readr package (installation required)
data <- read_csv("path/to/file.csv")

Writing CSV Files

To save your data as a CSV file, use the write.csv() or write_csv() functions.

# Base R
write.csv(data, "path/to/output.csv")

# Using readr package
write_csv(data, "path/to/output.csv")

Using Canonical Datasets

R includes several built-in or “canonical” datasets, like iris, useful for having a common benchmark for testing and giving examples. Other canonical datasets are available inside packages dedicated specialized fields, like archdata containing several archaeological datasets. To load a canonical dataset, use data():

# Load the built-in iris dataset

# Load the DartPoints dataset from the archdata package

As long as the dataset is from base R, we can skip the loading step and use the dataset directly in an operation by using its name:

# Find out how many columns the iris dataset have 
[1] 5

3.3.2 Basic operations on data structures

We create a dummy dataset for us to test operations:

df <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y = 4:6)
df # print it in the console
  x y
1 1 4
2 2 5
3 3 6

Adding/Removing Elements

  • Adding Elements: Use functions like cbind() for columns and rbind() for rows to add elements to data frames and matrices.

    # Adding a column
    df$z <- 7:9  # Adding column using $
      x y z
    1 1 4 7
    2 2 5 8
    3 3 6 9
    # Adding a row
    new_row <- data.frame(x = 4, y = 7, z = 10)
    df <- rbind(df, new_row)
      x y  z
    1 1 4  7
    2 2 5  8
    3 3 6  9
    4 4 7 10
  • Removing Elements: Use NULL assignment or subset() to remove columns or rows.

    # Removing a column
    df$z <- NULL
      x y
    1 1 4
    2 2 5
    3 3 6
    4 4 7
    # Removing rows by index
    df <- df[-c(1, 2), ]
      x y
    3 3 6
    4 4 7


Recreate the initial dataset:

df <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y = 4:6)
  1. Numeric Indexing: Access elements by specifying their position.

    df[1, 2]  # First row, second column
    [1] 4
    df[1:3, ]  # First three rows, all columns
      x y
    1 1 4
    2 2 5
    3 3 6
  2. Logical Indexing: Filter based on logical conditions.

    df[df$y > 5, ]  # Rows where column y > 5
      x y
    3 3 6
  3. Column Selection: Access columns by $ (column name) or numeric index.

    df$x  # Access column by name
    [1] 1 2 3
    df[, 1]  # Access first column by index
    [1] 1 2 3
  4. Row Selection: Filter rows with conditions.

    df[1:2, ]  # First two rows
      x y
    1 1 4
    2 2 5
    df[df$x > 2, ]  # Rows where column x > 2
      x y
    3 3 6
  5. Combining Indexing: Combine row and column filters for specific elements.

    df[1:2, c("x", "y")]  # First two rows, columns x and y
      x y
    1 1 4
    2 2 5

Subsetting (subset)

  • The subset() function provides an easy way to filter data by specifying conditions.

    subset(df, x > 2 & y < 6)  # Filter rows where x > 2 and y < 6
    [1] x y
    <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Joining or Merging (merge)

  • Use merge() to combine two data frames based on a common key or column.

    df1 <- data.frame(id = 1:3, x = c("A", "B", "C"))
      id x
    1  1 A
    2  2 B
    3  3 C
    df2 <- data.frame(id = 2:4, y = c("D", "E", "F"))
      id y
    1  2 D
    2  3 E
    3  4 F
    merged_df <- merge(df1, df2, by = "id")
      id x y
    1  2 B D
    2  3 C E

Modifying Elements with Functions (apply)

  • The apply() function allows operations across rows or columns of a data frame or matrix.

    # Summing across rows (1 indicates rows)
    apply(df[, 1:2], 1, sum)
    [1] 5 7 9
    # Summing across columns (2 indicates columns)
    apply(df[, 1:2], 2, sum)
     x  y 
     6 15 
  • “Indexing — R Spatial (n.d.)
  • Phillips (n.d.)
  • “Indexing and Slicing Data Frames in R (2022)
  • “Subsetting Data R Learning Modules (n.d.)
  • “Indexing into a Data Structure” (n.d.)

3.3.3 Using dplyr Package

The dplyr package in R provides a suite of functions to manipulate data in a streamlined and readable way. Key functions include those for filtering, selecting, and mutating data, which help manage data subsets, reorganize columns, and create new variables.


Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
df <- data.frame(x = 1:30, y = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), 10), z = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 15))
  1. Filtering Data
    • Use filter() to select rows based on conditions. Multiple conditions can be combined with & (and) or | (or).
    filtered_data <- df %>% filter(x > 10, y == "A")
       x y     z
    1 13 A  TRUE
    2 16 A FALSE
    3 19 A  TRUE
    4 22 A FALSE
    5 25 A  TRUE
    6 28 A FALSE
    filtered_data <- df %>% filter(z)
        x y    z
    1   1 A TRUE
    2   3 C TRUE
    3   5 B TRUE
    4   7 A TRUE
    5   9 C TRUE
    6  11 B TRUE
    7  13 A TRUE
    8  15 C TRUE
    9  17 B TRUE
    10 19 A TRUE
    11 21 C TRUE
    12 23 B TRUE
    13 25 A TRUE
    14 27 C TRUE
    15 29 B TRUE
  2. Selecting Columns
    • Use select() to choose specific columns by name. You can use : to select a range of columns or - to exclude columns.
    selected_data <- df %>% select(x, y)
        x y
    1   1 A
    2   2 B
    3   3 C
    4   4 A
    5   5 B
    6   6 C
    7   7 A
    8   8 B
    9   9 C
    10 10 A
    11 11 B
    12 12 C
    13 13 A
    14 14 B
    15 15 C
    16 16 A
    17 17 B
    18 18 C
    19 19 A
    20 20 B
    21 21 C
    22 22 A
    23 23 B
    24 24 C
    25 25 A
    26 26 B
    27 27 C
    28 28 A
    29 29 B
    30 30 C
    selected_data <- df %>% select(-z)  # Exclude z (third column)
        x y
    1   1 A
    2   2 B
    3   3 C
    4   4 A
    5   5 B
    6   6 C
    7   7 A
    8   8 B
    9   9 C
    10 10 A
    11 11 B
    12 12 C
    13 13 A
    14 14 B
    15 15 C
    16 16 A
    17 17 B
    18 18 C
    19 19 A
    20 20 B
    21 21 C
    22 22 A
    23 23 B
    24 24 C
    25 25 A
    26 26 B
    27 27 C
    28 28 A
    29 29 B
    30 30 C
  3. Mutating Data
    • The mutate() function creates new columns or modifies existing ones by performing calculations or transformations on current columns.
    mutated_data <- df %>% mutate(new_column = x * 2)
        x y     z new_column
    1   1 A  TRUE          2
    2   2 B FALSE          4
    3   3 C  TRUE          6
    4   4 A FALSE          8
    5   5 B  TRUE         10
    6   6 C FALSE         12
    7   7 A  TRUE         14
    8   8 B FALSE         16
    9   9 C  TRUE         18
    10 10 A FALSE         20
    11 11 B  TRUE         22
    12 12 C FALSE         24
    13 13 A  TRUE         26
    14 14 B FALSE         28
    15 15 C  TRUE         30
    16 16 A FALSE         32
    17 17 B  TRUE         34
    18 18 C FALSE         36
    19 19 A  TRUE         38
    20 20 B FALSE         40
    21 21 C  TRUE         42
    22 22 A FALSE         44
    23 23 B  TRUE         46
    24 24 C FALSE         48
    25 25 A  TRUE         50
    26 26 B FALSE         52
    27 27 C  TRUE         54
    28 28 A FALSE         56
    29 29 B  TRUE         58
    30 30 C FALSE         60

These functions are especially powerful when combined in recursive structures or “pipelines” using %>% to streamline data manipulation tasks.

  • “A Grammar of Data Manipulation (n.d.)
  • “Data: Starwars” (n.d.)
  • “Aggregating and Analyzing Data with Dplyr” (n.d.)
  • “Dplyr Package in R Programming (2020)
  • Bhalla (n.d.)

3.4 Data Visualization

Let us load the DartPoints dataset from the archdata package and use it in the examples:


3.4.1 Creating Plots in R with Base R Graphics

Base R provides quick ways to create plots using functions like plot(), hist(), barplot(), and boxplot().

  1. Histograms: Display the distribution of a single continuous variable.

    hist(DartPoints$Length, main = "Histogram of Dart Points Length", xlab = "Maximum Length (mm)")

  2. Bar plots: Used for categorical data to show the frequency or count for each category.

    barplot(table(DartPoints$Blade.Sh), main = "Bar Plot of Blade Shape", xlab = "Blade Shape categories", names.arg = c("Excurvate", "Incurvate", "Recurvate", "Straight"))

  3. Box plots: Visualize the relationship between one continuous variable and one categorical variable.

    boxplot(Length ~ Blade.Sh, DartPoints, main = "Box Plot of Length vs Blade Shape", xlab = "Blade Shape categories", ylab = "Maximum Length (mm)", names = c("Excurvate", "Incurvate", "Recurvate", "Straight"))

  4. Scatter plots: Visualize the relationship between two continuous variables.

    plot(DartPoints$Width, DartPoints$Length, main = "Scatter Plot of Length vs Width", xlab = "Maximum Width (mm)", ylab = "Maximum Length (mm)")

It is possible to customise the graphics much further, for example, by colouring (col argument) or using different point shapes (pch argument) in scatter plots:

plot(DartPoints$Width, DartPoints$Length, 
     col = DartPoints$Blade.Sh, # use factor as it is, plot() will convert it into colours
     pch = as.numeric(DartPoints$Blade.Sh), # use factor index as code for symbols
     main = "Scatter Plot of Length vs Width", 
     xlab = "Maximum Width (mm)", ylab = "Maximum Length (mm)")

3.4.2 Creating Multiple Plot Figures with layout

  • Use layout() to organize multiple plots in a single window.

    layout(matrix(1:2, nrow = 1))
    hist(DartPoints$Length, main = "Plot 1: histogram", xlab = "Maximum Length (mm)")
    boxplot(DartPoints$Length, main = "Plot 2: boxplot")

    With the right combination of additional arguments, we are able to produce customised layouts for a combined plot:

    layout(matrix(1:2, nrow = 2))
    par(mar = c(0.1, 5, 1, 1))
    hist(DartPoints$Length, xaxt='n', main = "Distribution of Maximum Length in the DartPoints dataset", xlab = "", ylab = "Frequency")
    par(mar = c(5, 5, 0.1, 1))
    boxplot(DartPoints$Length, horizontal = TRUE, xlab = "Maximum Length (mm)")

3.4.3 Creating Plots in ggplot2

ggplot2 is an extensive package for creating complex and aesthetically pleasing graphics.


Here are a few examples using ggplot2:

  • Histograms:

    ggplot(DartPoints, aes(x = Length)) + 
      geom_histogram() +
      labs(title = "Histogram of Dart Points Length")

  • Bar plots:

    ggplot(DartPoints, aes(x = Blade.Sh)) + 
      geom_bar() +
      scale_x_discrete(labels = c("Excurvate", "Incurvate", "Recurvate", "Straight")) + 
      labs(title = "Bar plot of Blade Shape", x = "Blade Shape categories")

  • Box plots:

    ggplot(DartPoints, aes(x = Blade.Sh, y = Length)) +
      geom_boxplot() +
      scale_x_discrete(labels = c("Excurvate", "Incurvate", "Recurvate", "Straight")) + 
      labs(title = "Box Plot of Length vs Blade Shape", x = "Blade Shape categories", y = "Maximum Length (mm)")

  • Scatter plots:

    ggplot(DartPoints, aes(x = Width, y = Length)) +
      geom_point() +
      labs(title = "Length vs Width")

As base R, ggplot2 also allow customising graphics. Replicating the same example, we add colors and shape matching a categorical variable:

ggplot(DartPoints, aes(x = Width, y = Length, 
                       color = Blade.Sh, # use factor as it is, ggplot() will convert it into colours
                       shape = Blade.Sh)) + # use factor as it is, ggplot() will convert it into shapes
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Length vs Width by Blade Shape")
Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

3.4.4 Creating Multiple Plot Figures with gridExtra::grid.arrange

gridExtra::grid.arrange() allows for multiple ggplot2 plots in one layout.

p1 <- ggplot(DartPoints, aes(x = Length)) + geom_histogram()
p2 <- ggplot(DartPoints, aes(x = factor(Blade.Sh))) + geom_bar() + xlab("Blade Shape categories")
grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)

3.4.5 Base R Graphics and ggplot2: Comparative

Base R is quick and requires less setup, ideal for simple exploratory analysis. It offers a more robust and flexible framework for building complex custom plots, containing multiple plot types and separated R objects.

ggplot2 provides a grammar of graphics, which is more powerful and customizable for detailed visualizations. In general, it produces more attractive plots for public display and it is the best choice whenever the goal to produce a standard plot from a single dataset.

3.4.6 Saving Plots: Opening and Closing Graphic Devices in R

Use png(), pdf(), etc., to open graphic devices, giving at least the path and file name as argument, and dev.off() to close the device. After execution, the corresponding file will be created at the specified directory.

plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$wt)

3.5 Interactive Visualizations

3.5.1 Introduction to Creating Interactive Visualizations

Interactive visualizations enhance data exploration by allowing users to zoom, pan, hover, and filter elements in a plot. In R, libraries like plotly integrate with ggplot2 and base graphics to turn static plots into interactive ones. The plotly package is particularly useful for creating dashboards and presentations, as it enables seamless transitions between static and interactive graphs.

3.5.2 Example: Building an Interactive Plot using plotly and knitr

With plotly and knitr in R Markdown, you can embed interactive plots directly in a report.

# Load libraries

# Change Blade.Sh levels to a full text form
DartPoints$Blade.Sh <- factor(DartPoints$Blade.Sh,
                              levels = c("E", "I", "R", "S"),
                              labels = c("Excurvate", "Incurvate", "Recurvate", "Straight"))

# Create a basic ggplot2 scatter plot
p <- ggplot(DartPoints, aes(x = Width, y = Length, color = Blade.Sh)) +
  geom_point(size = 2) +
  labs(title = "Length vs Width by Blade Shape", color = "Blade Shape")

# Convert ggplot2 object to plotly
interactive_plot <- ggplotly(p)

# Display the interactive plot

This example takes a ggplot2 scatter plot and transforms it into an interactive visualization with plotly. You can embed this code in an R Markdown document to generate a shareable, interactive HTML report.

Hands-on Practice
  • Create a new project in RStudio, placing it at the root directory of your own repository (cloned local branch). Inside, create a “data” and a “plots” subdirectories (i.e. folders).

  • Create a Rmarkdown document and give it a title, e.g. “Introduction to R: an exercise”.

  • In this document, create a R code chunk to start working and create new chunks and markdown commentaries at every computation step, as you see fit.

  • Create a data frame named “stone_tools_data” directly in R (i.e. constructed by typing vectors and joining them by code) with the following characteristics (based on Carlson 2017, p. 26):

    • Set of six stone tools with inventory number
    • Variables or columns: recording of dimensions (length, breadth, thickness), material type, and whether the material is local or non-local.
    • Data per object:
      • LN15:
        • Length: 18
        • Breadth: 9
        • Thickness: 3
        • Material type: chert
        • Material provenance: local
      • LN17:
        • Length: 14
        • Breadth: 7
        • Thickness: 2
        • Material type: chert
        • Material provenance: local
      • LN18:
        • Length: 21
        • Breadth: 10
        • Thickness: 3
        • Material type: obsidian
        • Material provenance: local
      • LN21:
        • Length: 14
        • Breadth: 7
        • Thickness: 3
        • Material type: chert
        • Material provenance: non-local
      • LN23:
        • Length: 17
        • Breadth: 8
        • Thickness: 3
        • Material type: obsidian
        • Material provenance: local
      • LN24:
        • Length: 16
        • Breadth: 8
        • Thickness: 2
        • Material type: obsidian
        • Material provenance: non-local
  • Check that the data and data types are coherent with the specifications. Save it as a CSV file (stored in a “data” subdirectory) and load it back as a new R object (e.g. “stone_tools_data2”). Compare.

  • Create a plot showing the counts of objects made of chert and obsidian. Save it as a PNG file in “plots” subdirectory.

  • Create a new variable (“type_and_provenance”) that combines type and provenance and create a plot showing the counts in each category. Save it as a PNG file in “plots” subdirectory.

  • Create a single figure displaying the variable distribution of the three dimensions measured. Save it as both a PNG and a SVG file in “plots” subdirectory.

  • Create a plot displaying the relationship between length and breadth. Save it as a PNG file in “plots” subdirectory.

  • Create a plot displaying the relationship between length and breadth, this time marking (point type, colour) objects by their “type_and_provenance”. Save it as both a PNG and a EPS file in “plots” subdirectory.

  • (EXTRA) Create a figure to help explore the question: Do stone tools of different material and provenance tend to be of different size?

  • (EXTRA) Duplicate the Rmarkdown document and add “_tidyverse” to the file name. Inside, replicate all steps and using tidyverse and ggplot functions.

  • Commit all changes and push to the remote using RStudio (use the buttons in the Git tab in the “Environments” panel on the top right).

  • Q&A and troubleshooting.