9  Databases (II)

9.1 Using GIS Databases for Archaeology

  • Introduction to Spatial Databases
    • Overview of spatial databases and their use in archaeology (e.g., storing geospatial excavation data).
    • Example: Introduction to PostGIS for spatial data management in PostgreSQL.
  • Linking GIS Data to Databases
    • Using databases to manage spatial data for archaeological analysis.
    • Example: Storing site coordinates and linking them to excavation records in a spatial database.
  • Querying Spatial Data
    • Writing spatial queries to retrieve geospatial data from a database.
    • Example: Querying sites within a specific radius or extracting artifact distributions across layers.
Hands-on Practice
  • Querying and Analyzing Archaeological Data
    • Walkthrough of writing SQL queries to extract meaningful insights from archaeological data.
    • Example: Retrieving and analyzing artifact distributions based on context and stratigraphy.
  • Combining Database and Spatial Data
    • Practical examples of integrating database queries with GIS data for archaeological site analysis.
    • Example: Using a database to visualize the spatial distribution of artifacts across an excavation site.
  • Q&A and Troubleshooting
    • Addressing challenges in querying and analyzing archaeological databases.