Define and explore formally a set of socioecological and technocultural mechanisms, postulated as explanations for patterns documented in the history and archaeology of agropastoral societies in arid Afro-Eurasia.
+ open and reproducible
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Land Use Patterns in Central Asia. Step 1: The Musical Chairs Model,
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Angourakis, A., Salpeteur, M., Martínez, V., and Gurt, J.M. 2017.
The Nice Musical Chairs model. Exploring the role of competition and cooperation between
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Angourakis, A., 2017. Nice Musical Chairs (Version 5).
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Land use patterns can be understood as outcomes of a series of contingencies at different scales and different dimensions of human behavior and its environment.
Subsistence strategies produced mainly two distinguishable land use classes, farming and herding.
Shades between these may fit in one or another class, depending on the strategies effective impact on the landscape (do they generate/use farms or pastures?).
Interaction is independent of land use
Stakeholders must cooperate or compete for land use
Stride, S. (2005). Géographie archéologique de la province du Surkhan Darya (Ouzbékistan du sud / Bactriane du nord). Ph.D thesis, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.
The separate niche models is not useful!
Are farming-herding interactions competitive or cooperative?
Through which mechanisms
and under which conditions may
stakeholders cooperate or compete?
What impact does these aspects have on the existence of certain land use patterns?
Josep M. Gurt Esparraguera | Verònica Martínez Ferreras | Sebastian Stride | Bernardo Rondelli | Marco Madella | Andrea L. Balbo | Xavier Rubio Campillo
Matthieu Salpeteur | José Ignacio Santos | José Manuel Galán | Ano Hein | Ana Sánchez del Corral | Leonid M. Sverchkov | Meritxell Aulinas Juncà
Maite García-Vallès | Enrique Ariño Gil | Shakir Pidaev
Juan A. Barceló | Enrico Crema | Francesc Miquel Quesada | Maria Pereda | Agnese Fusaro | Alessandra Pecci | Débora Zurro | Carla Lancelotti
CoDa Association | Mark Lake | Patrick Quinn | Mark Altaweel | Mike Charlton | Utkir Abdullaev | Shawn Graham
SimulPast (CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010) | CAMOTECCER (HAR2012-32653) | CERAC (HAR2016-75133-C3-1-P)